From the 10th to the 12th of May 2023, we visited one of TransformAr’s 6 demonstrators for our third consortium meeting in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Hosted and guided by FEUGA and CETMAR, we were introduced to our demonstrator with a series of presentations that provided an overview of Galician efforts to adapt to climate change and the main risks it faces. These presentations were given by Paloma Rueda Crespo – CETMAR’s general director, and the director of Environmental Quality, Sustainability and Climate Change at CETMAR – Sagrario Pérez.
Isaac Gómez Piñeiro from Xunta de Galicia and the scientific experts Pedro Montero and Xosé Antón Álvarez Salgado also presented their perspectives. The Xunta de Galicia highlighted the importance of the need to develop tools and initiatives that help to understand the effects of climate change and how to reverse its consequences. Political instruments were showcased: a multi-sectoral action plan, the “Galician Climate Alliance” for the promotion and establishment of adaptation and mitigation measures, and the establishment of the “Galician Climate Law” by 2030.
Through TransformAr, Galicia will test solutions for clam, mussel and shellfish aquaculture. We got to learn first-hand about the clam, mussel and shellfish sectors and the risks they face by climate change from people working in the sectors through our visits organised by our Galician demonstrator. As part of the solutions, we saw the impact of digitalisation in improving the management and adaptation of mussel production, monitoring in real time mussel rafts equipped with sensors.
The meeting also gave us the opportunity to discuss progress of the past months and challenges to come. Discussions were held on the upcoming periodic report finalisation, deliverables – from public acceptance to best practices, the launch of the TransformAr Network on climate change adaptation, and better coordinating work on sensors, apps and monitoring, as well as those focusing on economic impacts. The 6 demonstrators also presented on solutions’ implementation.