Implementing the methodology defined in the Adaptive Transformation Playbook, the municipality of Egaleo, Greece, organized its workshop to co-construct adaptation pathways with stakeholders. Conducted by experts from the National Centre for Scientific Research Demokritos (NCSRD), the workshop followed the three steps detailed below to better understand the context, impacts and risk faced in the municipality, and eventually propose solutions in an adaptation pathway.
Three main risks have been identified and investigated with the participants: floods, heatwaves and drought/water scarcity. The second part of the workshop then emphasized the level of risks and their thresholds. Prior to the workshop, stakeholders were presented current and projected climate data for the area. Following that, they were asked to categorize climate risks, according to their opinion, on a scale from low risk up to very high risk. Some results are displayed in the table below.
Respective impacts have also been identified and ranked in the same way to thoroughly understand them using the concept of critical thresholds.
Finally, solutions have been identified and proposed by participants to tackle these different risks and impacts. These propositions have been investigated, with regards to the objectives set together to define most relevant solutions to achieve transformational adaptation.