The 6 Demonstrator territories from the TransformAr project are preparing their Open Days. Local stakeholders will get the chance to come and see progress made on transformational adaptation where they live. What can you expect from these Open Days? Here are a few key information about these events.
The purpose of each Open Day is to let local stakeholders explore the solutions and activities that are or have been demonstrated within the TransformAr over the past 2 + years. A wide range of participants will be welcomed, from local citizens, to local and regional policy makers, innovators and the media! Each Open Day will have its own format to make sure the events fits local needs and realities. These Open Days are aligning with the 2024 EU Green Week topic “Towards a water resilient Europe”. More information on this can be found on the event homepage. The following three Open Days are EU Green Week partner events. More details on the Greek, Italian and Finnish Open Days can be found on the dedicated EU Green Week partner events page.
The city of Egaleo will be the first one to organize its Open Day on June 4th 2024. The municipality will be supported by our local technical partner the National Centre for Scientific Research and Development Demokritos for this event. Local stakeholders will be invited to check out solutions demonstrated in the city at the local Climate Innovation Hub. Synergies will also be derived from the recent Mission Climate Adaptation Greek high-level event and from activities in the area with our sister projects ARSINOE, Climate IMPETUS and REGILIENCE.
Next we will have the MEDSEA Foundation organising the Oristano Gulf Open Day on July 5th 2024. Innovative solutions for Lagoon Climate resilience and other activities implemented in TransformAr project will be showcased to local stakeholders at the local Sea Museum in Terralba and through a walking tour and presentation. If you are already curious, you can read the Mission Story about Coastal Contracts demonstrated by MEDSEA in Sardinia.
Finally, the Finnish municipality of Lappeenranta will also hosts its Open Day this summer, as a side even to its Greenreality Carnival on August 29th 2024. The event will include presentations and a guided tour of their recently completed stormwater management solution for climate adaptation.
Stay tuned for more information on our other Open Days in the coming months and make sure you follow us on social media to get the latest updates! We are hoping to see many of you during these local Open Days.