Implementing the methodology defined in the Adaptive Transformation Playbook, MEDSEA Foundation organized its workshop for co-construction of adaptation pathways. For two days, participants met in “Museo del Mare di Marceddì” and followed the three-step methodology to better understand the context, impacts and risk faced by the Oristano Gulf, and eventually propose solutions. MEDSEA was supported by the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change Foundation (CMCC).The main hazards impacting Oristano’s territory and in particular the wetlands of Marceddì and San Giovanni are:
- heavy precipitations,
- increase of extreme temperatures (low and high),
- increasing sea surface temperatures,
- sea level rise and
- storm surges.
Natural and cultural resources, and economic activities derived from agriculture and fishing inside the lagoon are highly exposed to climate risks. These risks include productivity loss (crops and dairy, loss of fisheries), biodiversity loss in the lagoon, and loss of identity values of cultural heritage represented by the coastal settlement and lagoon system which both have a high symbolic value in the local culture.
Considering these hazards and risks, participants were invited to discuss about their vision, solutions they could propose to make these sectors more climate resilient. Participants’ shared-vision is to maintain the characteristics of the area as a flourishing agricultural and fishing area, and guarantee the conservation of the biodiversity and of the historical heritage of the lagoon as a crucial part of the local cultural identity.
To achieve this vision, several solutions targeting 3 main sectors have been proposed by the participants who also assessed their viability depending of the level of risk/impact foreseen.